This morning,
the first thing I
did was open my
window to let the
c r i s p morning air in
so I could listen to
the birds as I started
on my psych homework.
That right there
is s i m p l e happiness
and definitely blog worthy. :)
In fact, I
haven't been
writing much
because I started
off my blog with so
many deep thoughts
and good posts that I've
felt I couldn't post
until I had something
even better to say.
But I've decided
that isn't realistic,
I want this blog to
truly r e f l e c t who I am,
and I want this blog to
also be something
I can look back on
and see how I have
ended up where ever
I will be with w h o e v e r
is there with me.
Also, with Summer
just around the corner,
you can expect
more p i c t u r e s,
starting today!