Thursday, March 29, 2012

M o r n i n g A i r

This morning,
the first thing I 
did was open my 
window to let the 
c r i s p  morning air in
so I could listen to 
the birds as I started
on my psych homework.
That right there
is  s i m p l e  happiness 
and definitely blog worthy. :)

In fact, I 
haven't been 
writing much 
because I started
off my blog with so
many deep thoughts
and good posts that I've
felt I couldn't post
until I had something
even better to say. 

But I've decided 
that isn't realistic,
I want this blog to
truly  r e f l e c t  who I am,
and  I want this blog to
also be something 
I can look back on
and see how I have
ended up where ever
I will be with  w h o e v e r
is there with me. 

Also, with Summer 
just around the corner,
you can expect 
more  p i c t u r e s,
starting today! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

F e e l G o o d A n y w a y

Life can be
quite difficult
especially since 
people are such 
l o v e l y creatures.
We depend on 
one  another for 
stability and strength,
to learn and to love, 
and to simply 

                                     b e   t h e r e.

no matter how much
you trust someone, 
(or even how much 
they trust you,)
it isn't always
e n o u g h.

if we're lucky,
we might find a few
people in our life who 
will choose to stay
by our side, despite all 
the fragile differences and 
d i s t a n c e s   that develop
 inevitably over time.
The tricky part is, 
we might not even realize
that they are there, 
because we don't know
what it would be like 
without them. 
(If that makes sense?)

Until then,
I am just as  g r a t e f u l
 for every person that has
drifted in and out of my life,
for I have no doubt that
they have each given me
an opportunity to better myself
whether or not they realized it.

Sometimes it might have 
been because I had to 
pick up the  p i e c e s,
or they made me 
realize that I 
deserved much more.
The very best though
are the ones who made me 
a s p i r e to be more like them
in one way or another. :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

T h a t M o m e n t W h e n . . .

. . . you realize your life is 
headed in the right 
d i r e c t i o n
in just about every
possible way.

If you haven't had
this moment yet,
a s k yourself why
and just do whatever
it is you need to
to get there.

Because although
I now know I
have a lot of
h a r d  w o r k
  ahead of me, I almost
cannot wait to see
what is around
the corner in
my life after
this realization.
