Monday, May 28, 2012

L i t t l e A d v i c e

Sometimes I feel as though
I have so much I want to say,
only I don't have enough 
words that come to mind,
so tonight I'm going to 
try and keep it semi-simple. 

This week is going to be 
so i n t e n s e that I think even
the energizer bunny himself
would be impressed if I can
actually manage to pull it 
off without a complete
m e l t d o w n  or two. 

In fact, I might have 
already let myself lose
a little sight when it comes
down to what really matters,
which is to b a s k in every 
possible moment with 
those we love and adore,
no matter what the situation.

You see, you never fully know
if or how long it might be until 
you see someone again ...
So when there's that dreadful

e     m    p    t     y   

space in between, you
will at least always have those
memories to hold onto, 
because despite whatever 
sorrow or despair creeps in,
at least it beats having nothing.
So this blog is for 
all those people that I
may have taken advantage
of the time we spent together, 
not knowing yet just how 
much life can change, 
and how often we 
change with it,  but
I miss you . . .
                                              . . . f i e r c e l y. 

And this is also 
for the high school
s e n i o r class of 2012,
especially since I have
watched a lot of you grow
up with Em, my little sister,
 the last seven or so years.

So This is my   a d v i c e 
to you, and anyone else who 
took the time to read it.
Always let your mistakes 
s t r e n g t h e n   you daily, and
celebrate every little bit
of  s u c c e s s , even if it
was just the fact that
you managed to   c r a w l
out of bed on a day that
seemed entirely overwhelming.
Never settle for anything 
less than your personal  b e s t
and don't bee too serious
that you forget to have 
a little  f u n. Learn to 
say  y e s  more often,
and know that when 
life gets difficult, 
you are never  a l o n e.  

P . S .   I   l o v e   y o u   a l l  .  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

6 0 D o w n

So my meeting 
yesterday with the
personal t r a i n e r went
quite fantastic!

Despite the fact
that my b a n k account
has decided to lose 
some weight as well,
but what can you do?

It will be s u p e r  m e g a
worth it in the long r u n.
In talking to him I 
had said that I wanted
my goal weight to be
h a l f my original weight,
but that would mean
I wanted to lose 
all but o n e pound
of fat! Haha. 

Not happening.

So now my 
goal weight is
going to be 140,
which I am totally
s t o k e d for. It's 
about time I 
see more
results. :)

Since I am 60 
down on my own,
and will ultimately be
s h o o t i n g  for 115,
in the end that means 
I'm halfway there!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wish Me L u c k

Today I actually have 
a meeting with a personal
trainer who just so happens
to be a friend of a friend.

I'm hoping it goes over
well and doesn't turn out
to be terribly unaffordable 
because I just came up 
with my third official 
weight goal, and
I am mega excited.

My first goal was
to simply get started,
and I had managed to 
lose 25lbs in the first 
two and half weeks.

My second goal 
was to get under 
200lbs, which 
I did just under
four months.

Now, my third
goal is to be half
my original weight.

this is an intense 
goal, especially when
considering the fact
that I have been 
at a standstill for 
another four months.

I've kept the weight off,
but I haven't lost much.
Granted it also fell from
being one of my 
priorities, but 
things are about
to change. 

So wish me luck! :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Take a H i k e !

This Summer,
I have pretty much
decided that I am going
to go h i k i n g at least 
once a week.

Here are just a few 
pictures I took on 
my cell phone 
from the last two 
weeks with some
of my lovely friends. (: