Monday, January 30, 2012

D r a g o n s o f L i f e

Last Saturday in my P s y c h class we began 
discussing the value we place (or don't place)
on ourselves and how self love plays as 
a pre-requisite in loving other people.
This concept is something I have always
felt m e g a strongly about, so here's a quote!

"Self -esteem is the armor
that protects kids from 
the dragons of life:
drugs, alcohol, delinquency,
and unhealthy relationships."

I think the only thing wrong
with this quote is that is should 
replace the word "kids" with people.
We all battle our own dragons 
pretty much daily, and it
can be quite f r i g h t e n i n g.

Think about it.

If our self-esteem is our armor 
then we need to be oh-so careful
not only of how we treat it, 
but what it's m a d e of. 

I like to think that all the 
people in my life (family, friends
even people I work with) are a l i n k
in my chainmail. Every now and then 
there might be a weak spot, I might get 
injured and will have to tend to my armor
and learn how to s u r v i v e a few battle wounds,
but I would be entirely willing to take 
that chance and know that I did my best.
 Because if you avoid your battles, your suit 
might do nothing more for you than collect
dust and t a r n i s h over the years, despite
the fact that its made of the finest material.

Which brings up one more point
I want to mention before I shut up. ;) 

Sometimes our dragons are perhaps too big
or too strong for us to t a m e or f i g h t on our own,
and we need to call on others to fight by our side.
We can't help but j u d g e them by their armor, 
but we can control what we take into consideration.
You could choose someone with the shiniest 
suit, knowing they must be d e d i c a t e d by how
much time they spend polishing it daily. 
Or you could choose someone whose suit 
has a few dents or cracks, knowing that they
have certainly taken a b e a t i n g of their
own, and yet, they're still standing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

T h e C u r e

There is absolutely 
nothing a s i m p l e convo,
animated s t o r y
or comfortable s i l e n c e
with an old (or new
friend can't c u r e .
Just sayin'.

Monday, January 23, 2012

G o o d M o r n i n g

I love sleeping.
I love being awake.
But I hate waking up.
Every morning my alarm 
is set for 4am, and then I 
allow myself to hit s n o o z e
for a good half hour before
my second alarm goes off 
and that one I actually have 
to get out of bed to make it
be quiet and get ready for
work, school, or the gym. 

Usually work. 

Then at 5 am I facebook  s t a l k
what went down online while
I was sleeping, browse pinterest
for a few bright and early 
f e e l   g o o d  quotes, and as I 
was doing that this morning 
I thought now might be a fun time
to write a few words about
a few things. 

So here goes:
Yesterday I went s h o p p i n g
after about a two or three week 
debate on whether or not
I could even afford to. 
The debate was settled when
I went and saw a  f r i e n d  who 
I haven't seen in forever and
he noticed that I had lost 
quite a bit of weight.
It was in that moment I 
think I realized I couldn't
afford  n o t  to,
despite the fact that 
I need to pay for my classes,
insurance, and gas up my car.
But realizing my jean size has 
gone from a 20 down to almost
a 13, and the fact that I've 
officially met one of my most 
important goals (to be able to 
share clothes with my sisters)
was worth the hundred I 
allowed myself to spend.

Plus, I feel like I just
u p g r a d e d  in cuteness.
Partly because of my new
obsession with n e o n  green,
but also in part because
its hard to see a difference
within yourself. 
Every time I look in 
the mirror I can't see the
changes I'm making because
I'm comparing myself to the me
I saw y e s t e r  d a y , not the me
I was three months ago. I think
one of the hardest things 
to remember is that 
change takes t i m e.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

B a c k I n t o G r o o v e

As of today, 
I am officially 
back into groove
with the lifestyle 
I have been working
on building for myself,
and only 9 pounds 
away from my first 
weight loss goal! 

After almost
three and a half weeks
of winter vacation and trying to 
figure out how to work with my
new and improved (full) schedule,
I finally made it back into the
gym today, which is 

Aaaaaaand, this morning
I also found out that my gym 
is officially open on Sundays! 
Mega good news right there 
considering the gym is where I
can just be me and totally de-stress
from all my work and school ness.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

N a p T i m e ?

This semester I had planned
on dressing somewhat n i c e
for all my classes, but lets face it,
h o o d i e s  must have been invented
for college students, espeacially
those of us working full time as well.

Haha, maybe next semester?

Just wait, tomorrow 
it will be time to get my 
routine back into groove,
and then I'll have more to
ramble about, (which 
may or may not 
be a good thing.)

 But for now I am going to put my 
face back on my desk and take 
a m i c r o - n a p. Who couldn't 
use one of those, right?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

O r a n g e J u i c e & S o f t l i p s

Today is probably
the first day all week
I have actually felt human,
(instead of this melting
zombie like creature)
and let me tell you,
it's fantastic.

So this is just
a mini s h o u t   o u t
to orange juice and
softlips vanilla chapstick.
My two very best friends
whenever I am sick.

(Future hubby,
whoever you might be,
take note of this.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

W o r k - a - h o l i c C o l l e g e S t u d e n t

  ^ ^ those two phrases ^ ^
pretty much sums up my  l i f e
at the moment, which is definitely nothing
short of  c h a o t i c  and headache-inducing.
Toss in a head cold and a never ending sleep debt,
then I get a sweet mom who doesn't know how to not worry. ;)
Truth is though, 
I enjoy (almost) every minute of it.
Of course the fever and whatnot is unwelcome,
but I am a  g o a l - setter. Ultimately I set goals just 
so that I can meet them and set new ones. Granted,
with each progressive goal I set it gets harder, 
but sometimes that is what gives me 
the most determination. 

I'm certain that
not all goals are meant to be met. 
(Uh, you said what now??)

a l l

Sometimes I think we
get more out of life when we realize
that we aren't invincible. That there may always
be someone that's better than you at  e v e r y t h i n g .
I honestly believe it is this mindset that has gotten
me so far and so  h a p p y  in life, and yet it
is oh, so simple. 

I can do anything, but not everything.
So there you have it!
My tangent for the day. (:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

4 6 S e c o n d s

18 years ago,
and 46 seconds
after midnight,
one of my b e s t i e s
was brought into this life
of total insanity, and she also
just so happens to be one of 
lovely sisters. <3 

So  h a p p y   b i r t h d a y   Emmy!
You're officially an adult, so
make the best of it! 

In my mind, 
you might always
be t h r e e years old. ;)

Monday, January 9, 2012

T o C l a r i f y

In my previous post I mentioned a  j o u r n e y
I just wanted to clarify that I don't specifically 
mean a weight loss journey, although
that is an important part of it.

Every day we grow just a little bit more 
and become someone we might not have 
even recognized the day before. 
Sometimes the changes are so subtle that 
it takes a lot to even notice a difference.

So this blog is simply to share my 
thoughts, feelings, and ideas as I 
t r yf a i l,  and  s u c c e e d.