Last Saturday in my P s y c h class we began
discussing the value we place (or don't place)
on ourselves and how self love plays as
a pre-requisite in loving other people.
This concept is something I have always
felt m e g a strongly about, so here's a quote!
"Self -esteem is the armor
that protects kids from
the dragons of life:
drugs, alcohol, delinquency,
and unhealthy relationships."
I think the only thing wrong
with this quote is that is should
replace the word "kids" with people.
We all battle our own dragons
pretty much daily, and it
can be quite f r i g h t e n i n g.
Think about it.
If our self-esteem is our armor
then we need to be oh-so careful
not only of how we treat it,
but what it's m a d e of.
I like to think that all the
people in my life (family, friends
even people I work with) are a l i n k
in my chainmail. Every now and then
there might be a weak spot, I might get
injured and will have to tend to my armor
and learn how to s u r v i v e a few battle wounds,
but I would be entirely willing to take
that chance and know that I did my best.
Because if you avoid your battles, your suit
might do nothing more for you than collect
dust and t a r n i s h over the years, despite
dust and t a r n i s h over the years, despite
the fact that its made of the finest material.
Which brings up one more point
I want to mention before I shut up. ;)
Sometimes our dragons are perhaps too big
or too strong for us to t a m e or f i g h t on our own,
and we need to call on others to fight by our side.
We can't help but j u d g e them by their armor,
but we can control what we take into consideration.
You could choose someone with the shiniest
suit, knowing they must be d e d i c a t e d by how
much time they spend polishing it daily.
Or you could choose someone whose suit
has a few dents or cracks, knowing that they
have certainly taken a b e a t i n g of their
own, and yet, they're still standing.
own, and yet, they're still standing.