I love sleeping.
I love being awake.
But I hate waking up.
Every morning my alarm
is set for 4am, and then I
allow myself to hit s n o o z e
for a good half hour before
my second alarm goes off
and that one I actually have
to get out of bed to make it
be quiet and get ready for
work, school, or the gym.
Usually work.
Then at 5 am I facebook s t a l k
what went down online while
I was sleeping, browse pinterest
for a few bright and early
f e e l g o o d quotes, and as I
was doing that this morning
I thought now might be a fun time
to write a few words about
a few things.
So here goes:
Yesterday I went s h o p p i n g
Yesterday I went s h o p p i n g
after about a two or three week
debate on whether or not
I could even afford to.
The debate was settled when
I went and saw a f r i e n d who
I haven't seen in forever and
he noticed that I had lost
quite a bit of weight.
It was in that moment I
think I realized I couldn't
afford n o t to,
despite the fact that
I need to pay for my classes,
insurance, and gas up my car.
But realizing my jean size has
gone from a 20 down to almost
a 13, and the fact that I've
officially met one of my most
important goals (to be able to
share clothes with my sisters)
was worth the hundred I
allowed myself to spend.
Plus, I feel like I just
u p g r a d e d in cuteness.
Partly because of my new
obsession with n e o n green,
but also in part because
its hard to see a difference
within yourself.
Every time I look in
the mirror I can't see the
changes I'm making because
I'm comparing myself to the me
I saw y e s t e r d a y , not the me
I was three months ago. I think
one of the hardest things
to remember is that
change takes t i m e.
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