Tuesday, April 17, 2012

B i t t e r s w e e t

Usually I steer clear
of writing when I am
even slightly fuming, 
but I feel like I just had
a w a v e of life lessons 
tossed my way and I 
need to get a good
grasp on them before
 they fade away.

First of all, that
was so uncalled for. 
To stand up there
in front of the whole
class and openly refuse
to participate in the 
presentation until 
asked to do so by 
the professor and then
continue to throw not just
the project, but everyone 
individually under the bus
and saying the only thing
you got out of it was 
really good c o o k i e s?

Sadly, that just goes
to show more of
your own character
than anyone else.

Originally I felt 
like I wouldn't take
much from this small
group communications
class since I already 
work well with pretty
much anyone I have
ever crossed paths with.

However, it turns out
that sometimes no matter
how hard you try or go
out of your way to 
make things work, some 
people just won't be p l e a s e d,
and that is perfectly fine. 

All that matters is
that I do my best and
what I learn from it,
what I have learned
from my first year 
of college actually,
and how I plan to 
a p p l y it to the 
rest of my life

After staying a 
few minutes after
class with the rest of 
my group to clear things
up with the professor,
the guys and I all walked 
out to the parking lot together, 
and when I said "See you later-"
like we always do, I quickly
realized my mistake "-maybe . . .
 If not, good luck with life!"

College has been kind of  
mega b i t t e r s w e e t like that. 
It has given me the opportunity
to get to know such a wide variety
of f a n t a s t i c people, and then 
just like that... they're gone. 
People seem to be coming
 in and out of my life a lot more
 lately, not even just at school.

Although it makes me
semi-sad, it has also
helped me realize that I 
need to be careful not to
take a d v a n t a g e of anyone
at any time in my life. 

People are p r i c e l e s s,
plain and simple,
and I feel like I need
to pay more attention to
everyone I have the
chance to get to know, 
even if it is only 
for a few minutes,
it will be worth it.

Y o u 
are worth it. 
Also, sometimes when I got bored in class I would make a paper crane and stick it on a random car. :)

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