Sunday, February 12, 2012

I n s p i r a t i o n - I has it

Lately I have been thinking a lot
about i n s p i r a t i o n and what it
is that keeps me going when I know
I could probably use a good 
burnout melt down or something.
So here's what I came up with:

1 - Seeing as I tend to spend more 
time driving to and from places in my
car than I do at my house, my car has
kind of become my c o m f  o r t zone. 
If I'm having a bad day I espeacially 
look forward to singing along with 
my f e e l - g o o d music, as long as
it's turned up loud enough that I can't
hear my own voice.  

"Filling my head with words to encourage me,
Gotta get my act so straight so I can truly believe.
That what I’m waiting for, is really worth the wait.
Stop bringing myself down,
I gotta know what makes me great."

This song "And Run" by He is We
is pretty much on r e p e a t daily,
and it definitely reminds me that
everything will work itself out 
one way or another, so I might as
well toss out my stress and frustration
and just be content and h a p p y
throughout my journeys. 

2 - Knowing that I can bring a s m i l e
to someones face just by entering the room. 
The reason why inspiration has even been 
on my mind is because recently a lot of 
people have directed that word toward me.
It's kind of intimidating but at the same time
probably one of the h i g h e s t  
compliments I have ever recieved.
No joke.
I covered names and pictures just because I don't want my peeps to be weirded out. Haha :)

The simple fact that I inspire others 
inspires myself to keep it up.
To keep setting up challenging goals
not just for the satisfaction of 
meeting them, but to p r o v e 
to others that they can do it too.
So  t h a n k   y o u . <3

3 - I have been wanting to mention 
this third reason for a long time, but 
I keep putting it off because I worry that
I won't be able to word it in a way that 
would give it justice, but I've decided
to just go for it or else I never will.

W a r n i n g : This one may be lengthy 
and possibly full of cheese. :)

When I was little I could always see 
just how much my mother a d o r e d her
brothers, and that adoration passed 
on to me probably before I even 
understood that you could love 
people in different ways, and now I 
believe adoration is one of the 
strongest kind of love there is.
Both of my uncles are more than 
just incredible men, they're h e r o e s.

Right now I want to focus more on 
my mom's little brother though.
Every now and then his story pops
up from the back of my mind, and 
I can't help but be so p r o u d of him 
ever day, and be motivated by everything he
has overcome over time. 

You see, there was a point where
he had been so devastatingly addicted
to drugs that we considered him gone.
I mean, I don't know most of the details,
and there was always a little spark 
of h o p e that he would bounce back
from it, but at that point it had 
seemed entirely unrealistic.

To keep a long story short (ish), 
he decided on his own that he had to
turn his life around in order to keep what
was most important to him: his kids.
He has turned his life around so 
completely that you wouldn't be able
to tell that he had been on a road so dark.

I know you hear of stories like that
every now and then, but it means 
something different when you actually 
see someone close to you go through it, 
and there's nothing you can do 
but love and support them anyway.

When I think of how drastically my uncle
has changed his life I can't help but think if he
can make those changes n e c e s a r y to 
become a better person, then I can too,
and I don't even have anything like
drugs weighing me down. It's 
all my own stress, frustration,
thoughts and insecurities.

I'm in c o n t r o l
and he taught me that, 
even if he doesn't know it.  

So, what inspires y o u??

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