Friday, February 24, 2012

H a p p i n e s s H a p p e n s

"Life is what happens
while we're busy
making other plans."

I think it's easy for us
to get t r a p  p e d in the way
of thinking that we just have
to get through today, to
get through tomorrow and
the next day and so on.
Although I also believe that
every day should be better
than the last, you shouldn't
n e g l e c t your own happiness
and put it off for the future.

The way I see it,
we can make all the
plans we want, and we
can work toward them,
but when I find myself
(or anyone else) saying
something along the lines of
"once I lose this much weight,
I'll finally be this happy,"
it makes me stop and think.

If we let ourselves get lost in
those kind of thoughts, it
won't be too long until
we have an entire list of
overwhelming o b s t a c l e s
like"once I move out, graduate
college, get a better paying
job, find a hubby, etc, etc, I'll
be happy." All that does though
is give us countless e x c u s e s
as to why we aren't already there.
Personally, I think that those
statements could even be reversed.
"Once I am happy, I will stop
wasting my time and money on
temporary things and save
up to move out, I will have
a better attitude and work
hard toward a promotion,
I will be willing to go outside
of my comfort zone and not
hesitate to go out with
friends and meet new
people, etc, etc..."

Making sense?

Happiness is a c h o i c e,
and once you decide to be
happy, you can leave behind
those thoughts that are holding
you back and move forward
with the knowledge that
you will always be happy.
Just knowing that I have
the courage to s m i l e
despite whatever life throws
my way, gives me a sense
of s e c u r i t y that I
never even knew I needed.

So here's my advice:
If you want to change
something about
yourself or your life,
just   g o  f o r  i t.
but remember that
it might take time.
You'll have your
ups and downs, but
in the mean time
 be comfortable with your
own mind and skin.
Celebrate every little
and just be happy,
because you are
too beautiful to be
beating yourself up.

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