Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Little Thoughts (:

I haven't posted anything 
in quite a while because 
I have been making a lot
more changes in my life
and I'm not sure how I 
want to word them or 
bring them up just yet, 
but just you wait!! :)

For now though I've
decided I'm going to post
a daily happy thought, 
or something I am 
incredibly grateful for.

Starting with my sisters.
Each and every one of 
them are my besties,
and they have all grown
into such beautiful fine
women, chasing after dreams
with such incredible determination.
These ladies have taught me so much
over the years, and I still have so
much to learn from them. They
 inspire and encourage me
to be my absolute best on
a daily baisis. Not sure where
I'd be without these girls
constantly by my side.
Left to Right : Abby, Madi, Linzie, Emily, Ashley, Me. Not pictured: Wendy

Left to Right: Madi, Abby, Me, Ashley, Linzie, Emily. Not pictured: Wendy

Monday, May 28, 2012

L i t t l e A d v i c e

Sometimes I feel as though
I have so much I want to say,
only I don't have enough 
words that come to mind,
so tonight I'm going to 
try and keep it semi-simple. 

This week is going to be 
so i n t e n s e that I think even
the energizer bunny himself
would be impressed if I can
actually manage to pull it 
off without a complete
m e l t d o w n  or two. 

In fact, I might have 
already let myself lose
a little sight when it comes
down to what really matters,
which is to b a s k in every 
possible moment with 
those we love and adore,
no matter what the situation.

You see, you never fully know
if or how long it might be until 
you see someone again ...
So when there's that dreadful

e     m    p    t     y   

space in between, you
will at least always have those
memories to hold onto, 
because despite whatever 
sorrow or despair creeps in,
at least it beats having nothing.
So this blog is for 
all those people that I
may have taken advantage
of the time we spent together, 
not knowing yet just how 
much life can change, 
and how often we 
change with it,  but
I miss you . . .
                                              . . . f i e r c e l y. 

And this is also 
for the high school
s e n i o r class of 2012,
especially since I have
watched a lot of you grow
up with Em, my little sister,
 the last seven or so years.

So This is my   a d v i c e 
to you, and anyone else who 
took the time to read it.
Always let your mistakes 
s t r e n g t h e n   you daily, and
celebrate every little bit
of  s u c c e s s , even if it
was just the fact that
you managed to   c r a w l
out of bed on a day that
seemed entirely overwhelming.
Never settle for anything 
less than your personal  b e s t
and don't bee too serious
that you forget to have 
a little  f u n. Learn to 
say  y e s  more often,
and know that when 
life gets difficult, 
you are never  a l o n e.  

P . S .   I   l o v e   y o u   a l l  .  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

6 0 D o w n

So my meeting 
yesterday with the
personal t r a i n e r went
quite fantastic!

Despite the fact
that my b a n k account
has decided to lose 
some weight as well,
but what can you do?

It will be s u p e r  m e g a
worth it in the long r u n.
In talking to him I 
had said that I wanted
my goal weight to be
h a l f my original weight,
but that would mean
I wanted to lose 
all but o n e pound
of fat! Haha. 

Not happening.

So now my 
goal weight is
going to be 140,
which I am totally
s t o k e d for. It's 
about time I 
see more
results. :)

Since I am 60 
down on my own,
and will ultimately be
s h o o t i n g  for 115,
in the end that means 
I'm halfway there!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wish Me L u c k

Today I actually have 
a meeting with a personal
trainer who just so happens
to be a friend of a friend.

I'm hoping it goes over
well and doesn't turn out
to be terribly unaffordable 
because I just came up 
with my third official 
weight goal, and
I am mega excited.

My first goal was
to simply get started,
and I had managed to 
lose 25lbs in the first 
two and half weeks.

My second goal 
was to get under 
200lbs, which 
I did just under
four months.

Now, my third
goal is to be half
my original weight.

this is an intense 
goal, especially when
considering the fact
that I have been 
at a standstill for 
another four months.

I've kept the weight off,
but I haven't lost much.
Granted it also fell from
being one of my 
priorities, but 
things are about
to change. 

So wish me luck! :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Take a H i k e !

This Summer,
I have pretty much
decided that I am going
to go h i k i n g at least 
once a week.

Here are just a few 
pictures I took on 
my cell phone 
from the last two 
weeks with some
of my lovely friends. (:

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I had an opportunity
to join a friend from work
with a bunch of her friends to
a R e A l game! 
For someone who
has never even been to
a live sports game, it was 
quite entertaining to be 
standing in the supporters
section with all the 
yelling and cheering!

With just how friendly 
and passionate some of those 
people around us were
about soccer and the team,
makes me almost want to 
become a loyal fan myself! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

a L i t t l e B l u e

You know when
you feel a good s t r e t c h
coming on, so you go for it,
 but can't quite get it to
the e x t e n t  that you
e x p e c t e d so you end
up a little disappointed?
That's kind of how I have
felt about life the past
few days or so . . .
At least you always
feel s o m e w h a t better
after a stretch than
if you hadn't stretched
at all, right? :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

C r e e p e r S t a t u s

I can honestly say,
 I have never wanted to be
 a s t a l k e r so badly before. :)
Now I want to be just like her.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

B i t t e r s w e e t

Usually I steer clear
of writing when I am
even slightly fuming, 
but I feel like I just had
a w a v e of life lessons 
tossed my way and I 
need to get a good
grasp on them before
 they fade away.

First of all, that
was so uncalled for. 
To stand up there
in front of the whole
class and openly refuse
to participate in the 
presentation until 
asked to do so by 
the professor and then
continue to throw not just
the project, but everyone 
individually under the bus
and saying the only thing
you got out of it was 
really good c o o k i e s?

Sadly, that just goes
to show more of
your own character
than anyone else.

Originally I felt 
like I wouldn't take
much from this small
group communications
class since I already 
work well with pretty
much anyone I have
ever crossed paths with.

However, it turns out
that sometimes no matter
how hard you try or go
out of your way to 
make things work, some 
people just won't be p l e a s e d,
and that is perfectly fine. 

All that matters is
that I do my best and
what I learn from it,
what I have learned
from my first year 
of college actually,
and how I plan to 
a p p l y it to the 
rest of my life

After staying a 
few minutes after
class with the rest of 
my group to clear things
up with the professor,
the guys and I all walked 
out to the parking lot together, 
and when I said "See you later-"
like we always do, I quickly
realized my mistake "-maybe . . .
 If not, good luck with life!"

College has been kind of  
mega b i t t e r s w e e t like that. 
It has given me the opportunity
to get to know such a wide variety
of f a n t a s t i c people, and then 
just like that... they're gone. 
People seem to be coming
 in and out of my life a lot more
 lately, not even just at school.

Although it makes me
semi-sad, it has also
helped me realize that I 
need to be careful not to
take a d v a n t a g e of anyone
at any time in my life. 

People are p r i c e l e s s,
plain and simple,
and I feel like I need
to pay more attention to
everyone I have the
chance to get to know, 
even if it is only 
for a few minutes,
it will be worth it.

Y o u 
are worth it. 
Also, sometimes when I got bored in class I would make a paper crane and stick it on a random car. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

P h o t o W a l k s

Spring semester is
just about wrapped up!
I have two finals, 
two essays, and one
last presentation all 
due by the end of 
Tuesday and then 
I will have officially
completed my first 
year of college! 

This means s u m m e r 
is literally right 
around the corner,
and I am completely
s t o k e d for everything 
I have planned already!

One of the l i t t l e things
that I absolutely love
about Summer are 
all of the s p o n t a n e o u s
p h o t o   w a l k s  my sisters
and I go on whenever
a few of us happen 
to be home at the 
same time, and I 
just had to share 
some of the pictures 
we got on our first mini 
a d v e n t u r e so far!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

M o r n i n g A i r

This morning,
the first thing I 
did was open my 
window to let the 
c r i s p  morning air in
so I could listen to 
the birds as I started
on my psych homework.
That right there
is  s i m p l e  happiness 
and definitely blog worthy. :)

In fact, I 
haven't been 
writing much 
because I started
off my blog with so
many deep thoughts
and good posts that I've
felt I couldn't post
until I had something
even better to say. 

But I've decided 
that isn't realistic,
I want this blog to
truly  r e f l e c t  who I am,
and  I want this blog to
also be something 
I can look back on
and see how I have
ended up where ever
I will be with  w h o e v e r
is there with me. 

Also, with Summer 
just around the corner,
you can expect 
more  p i c t u r e s,
starting today! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

F e e l G o o d A n y w a y

Life can be
quite difficult
especially since 
people are such 
l o v e l y creatures.
We depend on 
one  another for 
stability and strength,
to learn and to love, 
and to simply 

                                     b e   t h e r e.

no matter how much
you trust someone, 
(or even how much 
they trust you,)
it isn't always
e n o u g h.

if we're lucky,
we might find a few
people in our life who 
will choose to stay
by our side, despite all 
the fragile differences and 
d i s t a n c e s   that develop
 inevitably over time.
The tricky part is, 
we might not even realize
that they are there, 
because we don't know
what it would be like 
without them. 
(If that makes sense?)

Until then,
I am just as  g r a t e f u l
 for every person that has
drifted in and out of my life,
for I have no doubt that
they have each given me
an opportunity to better myself
whether or not they realized it.

Sometimes it might have 
been because I had to 
pick up the  p i e c e s,
or they made me 
realize that I 
deserved much more.
The very best though
are the ones who made me 
a s p i r e to be more like them
in one way or another. :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

T h a t M o m e n t W h e n . . .

. . . you realize your life is 
headed in the right 
d i r e c t i o n
in just about every
possible way.

If you haven't had
this moment yet,
a s k yourself why
and just do whatever
it is you need to
to get there.

Because although
I now know I
have a lot of
h a r d  w o r k
  ahead of me, I almost
cannot wait to see
what is around
the corner in
my life after
this realization.


Friday, February 24, 2012

H a p p i n e s s H a p p e n s

"Life is what happens
while we're busy
making other plans."

I think it's easy for us
to get t r a p  p e d in the way
of thinking that we just have
to get through today, to
get through tomorrow and
the next day and so on.
Although I also believe that
every day should be better
than the last, you shouldn't
n e g l e c t your own happiness
and put it off for the future.

The way I see it,
we can make all the
plans we want, and we
can work toward them,
but when I find myself
(or anyone else) saying
something along the lines of
"once I lose this much weight,
I'll finally be this happy,"
it makes me stop and think.

If we let ourselves get lost in
those kind of thoughts, it
won't be too long until
we have an entire list of
overwhelming o b s t a c l e s
like"once I move out, graduate
college, get a better paying
job, find a hubby, etc, etc, I'll
be happy." All that does though
is give us countless e x c u s e s
as to why we aren't already there.
Personally, I think that those
statements could even be reversed.
"Once I am happy, I will stop
wasting my time and money on
temporary things and save
up to move out, I will have
a better attitude and work
hard toward a promotion,
I will be willing to go outside
of my comfort zone and not
hesitate to go out with
friends and meet new
people, etc, etc..."

Making sense?

Happiness is a c h o i c e,
and once you decide to be
happy, you can leave behind
those thoughts that are holding
you back and move forward
with the knowledge that
you will always be happy.
Just knowing that I have
the courage to s m i l e
despite whatever life throws
my way, gives me a sense
of s e c u r i t y that I
never even knew I needed.

So here's my advice:
If you want to change
something about
yourself or your life,
just   g o  f o r  i t.
but remember that
it might take time.
You'll have your
ups and downs, but
in the mean time
 be comfortable with your
own mind and skin.
Celebrate every little
and just be happy,
because you are
too beautiful to be
beating yourself up.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I n s p i r a t i o n - I has it

Lately I have been thinking a lot
about i n s p i r a t i o n and what it
is that keeps me going when I know
I could probably use a good 
burnout melt down or something.
So here's what I came up with:

1 - Seeing as I tend to spend more 
time driving to and from places in my
car than I do at my house, my car has
kind of become my c o m f  o r t zone. 
If I'm having a bad day I espeacially 
look forward to singing along with 
my f e e l - g o o d music, as long as
it's turned up loud enough that I can't
hear my own voice.  

"Filling my head with words to encourage me,
Gotta get my act so straight so I can truly believe.
That what I’m waiting for, is really worth the wait.
Stop bringing myself down,
I gotta know what makes me great."

This song "And Run" by He is We
is pretty much on r e p e a t daily,
and it definitely reminds me that
everything will work itself out 
one way or another, so I might as
well toss out my stress and frustration
and just be content and h a p p y
throughout my journeys. 

2 - Knowing that I can bring a s m i l e
to someones face just by entering the room. 
The reason why inspiration has even been 
on my mind is because recently a lot of 
people have directed that word toward me.
It's kind of intimidating but at the same time
probably one of the h i g h e s t  
compliments I have ever recieved.
No joke.
I covered names and pictures just because I don't want my peeps to be weirded out. Haha :)

The simple fact that I inspire others 
inspires myself to keep it up.
To keep setting up challenging goals
not just for the satisfaction of 
meeting them, but to p r o v e 
to others that they can do it too.
So  t h a n k   y o u . <3

3 - I have been wanting to mention 
this third reason for a long time, but 
I keep putting it off because I worry that
I won't be able to word it in a way that 
would give it justice, but I've decided
to just go for it or else I never will.

W a r n i n g : This one may be lengthy 
and possibly full of cheese. :)

When I was little I could always see 
just how much my mother a d o r e d her
brothers, and that adoration passed 
on to me probably before I even 
understood that you could love 
people in different ways, and now I 
believe adoration is one of the 
strongest kind of love there is.
Both of my uncles are more than 
just incredible men, they're h e r o e s.

Right now I want to focus more on 
my mom's little brother though.
Every now and then his story pops
up from the back of my mind, and 
I can't help but be so p r o u d of him 
ever day, and be motivated by everything he
has overcome over time. 

You see, there was a point where
he had been so devastatingly addicted
to drugs that we considered him gone.
I mean, I don't know most of the details,
and there was always a little spark 
of h o p e that he would bounce back
from it, but at that point it had 
seemed entirely unrealistic.

To keep a long story short (ish), 
he decided on his own that he had to
turn his life around in order to keep what
was most important to him: his kids.
He has turned his life around so 
completely that you wouldn't be able
to tell that he had been on a road so dark.

I know you hear of stories like that
every now and then, but it means 
something different when you actually 
see someone close to you go through it, 
and there's nothing you can do 
but love and support them anyway.

When I think of how drastically my uncle
has changed his life I can't help but think if he
can make those changes n e c e s a r y to 
become a better person, then I can too,
and I don't even have anything like
drugs weighing me down. It's 
all my own stress, frustration,
thoughts and insecurities.

I'm in c o n t r o l
and he taught me that, 
even if he doesn't know it.  

So, what inspires y o u??

Monday, January 30, 2012

D r a g o n s o f L i f e

Last Saturday in my P s y c h class we began 
discussing the value we place (or don't place)
on ourselves and how self love plays as 
a pre-requisite in loving other people.
This concept is something I have always
felt m e g a strongly about, so here's a quote!

"Self -esteem is the armor
that protects kids from 
the dragons of life:
drugs, alcohol, delinquency,
and unhealthy relationships."

I think the only thing wrong
with this quote is that is should 
replace the word "kids" with people.
We all battle our own dragons 
pretty much daily, and it
can be quite f r i g h t e n i n g.

Think about it.

If our self-esteem is our armor 
then we need to be oh-so careful
not only of how we treat it, 
but what it's m a d e of. 

I like to think that all the 
people in my life (family, friends
even people I work with) are a l i n k
in my chainmail. Every now and then 
there might be a weak spot, I might get 
injured and will have to tend to my armor
and learn how to s u r v i v e a few battle wounds,
but I would be entirely willing to take 
that chance and know that I did my best.
 Because if you avoid your battles, your suit 
might do nothing more for you than collect
dust and t a r n i s h over the years, despite
the fact that its made of the finest material.

Which brings up one more point
I want to mention before I shut up. ;) 

Sometimes our dragons are perhaps too big
or too strong for us to t a m e or f i g h t on our own,
and we need to call on others to fight by our side.
We can't help but j u d g e them by their armor, 
but we can control what we take into consideration.
You could choose someone with the shiniest 
suit, knowing they must be d e d i c a t e d by how
much time they spend polishing it daily. 
Or you could choose someone whose suit 
has a few dents or cracks, knowing that they
have certainly taken a b e a t i n g of their
own, and yet, they're still standing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

T h e C u r e

There is absolutely 
nothing a s i m p l e convo,
animated s t o r y
or comfortable s i l e n c e
with an old (or new
friend can't c u r e .
Just sayin'.

Monday, January 23, 2012

G o o d M o r n i n g

I love sleeping.
I love being awake.
But I hate waking up.
Every morning my alarm 
is set for 4am, and then I 
allow myself to hit s n o o z e
for a good half hour before
my second alarm goes off 
and that one I actually have 
to get out of bed to make it
be quiet and get ready for
work, school, or the gym. 

Usually work. 

Then at 5 am I facebook  s t a l k
what went down online while
I was sleeping, browse pinterest
for a few bright and early 
f e e l   g o o d  quotes, and as I 
was doing that this morning 
I thought now might be a fun time
to write a few words about
a few things. 

So here goes:
Yesterday I went s h o p p i n g
after about a two or three week 
debate on whether or not
I could even afford to. 
The debate was settled when
I went and saw a  f r i e n d  who 
I haven't seen in forever and
he noticed that I had lost 
quite a bit of weight.
It was in that moment I 
think I realized I couldn't
afford  n o t  to,
despite the fact that 
I need to pay for my classes,
insurance, and gas up my car.
But realizing my jean size has 
gone from a 20 down to almost
a 13, and the fact that I've 
officially met one of my most 
important goals (to be able to 
share clothes with my sisters)
was worth the hundred I 
allowed myself to spend.

Plus, I feel like I just
u p g r a d e d  in cuteness.
Partly because of my new
obsession with n e o n  green,
but also in part because
its hard to see a difference
within yourself. 
Every time I look in 
the mirror I can't see the
changes I'm making because
I'm comparing myself to the me
I saw y e s t e r  d a y , not the me
I was three months ago. I think
one of the hardest things 
to remember is that 
change takes t i m e.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

B a c k I n t o G r o o v e

As of today, 
I am officially 
back into groove
with the lifestyle 
I have been working
on building for myself,
and only 9 pounds 
away from my first 
weight loss goal! 

After almost
three and a half weeks
of winter vacation and trying to 
figure out how to work with my
new and improved (full) schedule,
I finally made it back into the
gym today, which is 

Aaaaaaand, this morning
I also found out that my gym 
is officially open on Sundays! 
Mega good news right there 
considering the gym is where I
can just be me and totally de-stress
from all my work and school ness.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

N a p T i m e ?

This semester I had planned
on dressing somewhat n i c e
for all my classes, but lets face it,
h o o d i e s  must have been invented
for college students, espeacially
those of us working full time as well.

Haha, maybe next semester?

Just wait, tomorrow 
it will be time to get my 
routine back into groove,
and then I'll have more to
ramble about, (which 
may or may not 
be a good thing.)

 But for now I am going to put my 
face back on my desk and take 
a m i c r o - n a p. Who couldn't 
use one of those, right?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

O r a n g e J u i c e & S o f t l i p s

Today is probably
the first day all week
I have actually felt human,
(instead of this melting
zombie like creature)
and let me tell you,
it's fantastic.

So this is just
a mini s h o u t   o u t
to orange juice and
softlips vanilla chapstick.
My two very best friends
whenever I am sick.

(Future hubby,
whoever you might be,
take note of this.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

W o r k - a - h o l i c C o l l e g e S t u d e n t

  ^ ^ those two phrases ^ ^
pretty much sums up my  l i f e
at the moment, which is definitely nothing
short of  c h a o t i c  and headache-inducing.
Toss in a head cold and a never ending sleep debt,
then I get a sweet mom who doesn't know how to not worry. ;)
Truth is though, 
I enjoy (almost) every minute of it.
Of course the fever and whatnot is unwelcome,
but I am a  g o a l - setter. Ultimately I set goals just 
so that I can meet them and set new ones. Granted,
with each progressive goal I set it gets harder, 
but sometimes that is what gives me 
the most determination. 

I'm certain that
not all goals are meant to be met. 
(Uh, you said what now??)

a l l

Sometimes I think we
get more out of life when we realize
that we aren't invincible. That there may always
be someone that's better than you at  e v e r y t h i n g .
I honestly believe it is this mindset that has gotten
me so far and so  h a p p y  in life, and yet it
is oh, so simple. 

I can do anything, but not everything.
So there you have it!
My tangent for the day. (:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

4 6 S e c o n d s

18 years ago,
and 46 seconds
after midnight,
one of my b e s t i e s
was brought into this life
of total insanity, and she also
just so happens to be one of 
lovely sisters. <3 

So  h a p p y   b i r t h d a y   Emmy!
You're officially an adult, so
make the best of it! 

In my mind, 
you might always
be t h r e e years old. ;)

Monday, January 9, 2012

T o C l a r i f y

In my previous post I mentioned a  j o u r n e y
I just wanted to clarify that I don't specifically 
mean a weight loss journey, although
that is an important part of it.

Every day we grow just a little bit more 
and become someone we might not have 
even recognized the day before. 
Sometimes the changes are so subtle that 
it takes a lot to even notice a difference.

So this blog is simply to share my 
thoughts, feelings, and ideas as I 
t r yf a i l,  and  s u c c e e d.